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Say it with flowers

Beautiful fresh blooms bouquets are available for all life's special occasions such as birthdays, baby showers, and anniversaries. Bouquets come boxed in an eco friendly presentation box with water, which can also double up as a vase. This is fully compostable. 

There are various standard bouquet options available such as the pale bouquet option, with softer more pastel colours, or the bright bouquet with beautiful bold colours to lift that special person's spirt. Each made with love by Kirsty. 

Fresh Blooms Gallery: Welcome
Fresh Blooms Gallery: Pro Gallery


Fancy something a little bit different? Each bespoke bouquet is one of a kind, speak to Kirsty to order your own bespoke blooms and let her get creative, starting at £50 (blooms will depend on seasonal availability)

Fresh Blooms Gallery: Welcome
Fresh Blooms Gallery: Pro Gallery
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